What's New With Jojo

Jojo Watts, Author

Hi everyone! Glad you’re here. My name is Jojo. I am currently working on a few projects; The Anchor, The Magnificent Six, and Not Lost Mommy

The Anchor is a story about a mother grounded in her strength, solid in her values, relentlessly navigating the chaos of raising young black boys, to men and a daughter to believe in her voice while uplifting her in an environment of self empowerment.

The Magnificent Six is a chapter book about six kids separated by an ocean, distant cousins through their father and extremely different culturally. They come together by chance with one fateful phone and bond together through experiences with love, laughter, and exploration that will last and be cherished for a lifetime.

Not Lost Mommy is a children’s book based on a 3 year old girl experiencing her imagination in the most vibrant adventurous form. She invites her mommy to join her on the excursion of beauty, charm and artistry.

Three Books that are in line waiting to be published in the near future called;
Barking Bucky, Busy Body Bucky, and Good Boy Bucky!

These 3 books are base on a yellow labrador puppy finding his way around his new and eclectic surroundings!

My Books

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